My Work

Bazzite is an OCI image that serves as an alternative operating system for the Steam Deck, and a ready-to-game SteamOS-like for desktop computers, living room home theater PCs, and numerous other handheld PCs.

Magento e-Commerce Sites

Here you’ll find a collection of websites I’ve worked on that are built upon the open-source Magento eCommerce platform.

WordPress Sites

Here you’ll find a collection of websites I’ve worked on that are built upon the open-source WordPress blog platform. (You’re looking at one now!)


I served as a shader artist for IDGI on the game CONSORTIUM between November of 2011 and June of 2013. Here I worked to create a toon-esque art style within Valve’s Source Engine.

During my time on this project, I worked to implement the following:

  • Deferred rendering
  • Outline shader using depth & normal buffers
  • Half Lambertian toon shading
  • New toon-like bloom shader
  • Dynamically generated skydomes wth rotating earth bottom
  • Light culling performance enhancements

City 17: Episode One

A game project in which I served as the lead programmer and shader artist along side a eighteen member team of dedicated, professional, and passionate people from 2008 until 2011.